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Upvotes by the Numbers        By:Team r/R

How the Front Page of Reddit Affects Small Subreddits.


“Is the influx of viewers long lasting or short lived?”

Showing a sudden increase in active users can indicates an increase in popularity. However, if the subreddit’s subscriber numbers do not correspondingly increase the fame was short lived. If the subscriber counts balloon as a result of the increased traffic a more lasting fame was achieved.

Active Users Counts Over Time

Active User counts seem to be largely unaffected by their appearance on the front page.

Subreddits often make it onto the front page of Reddit after their Active User counts have peaked and are rapidly declining. Subscriber counts appear to be unaffected by a subreddits appearance on the front page of Reddit.

Subscriber Counts Over Time

Subscriber counts also seem to be largely unaffected by their appearance on the front page.

Team Members:
Jonathan Rosen (mythrilman)
Jason Phares (SasquatchMighty)
Alexander Woodie (AlexanderWoodie)